Donate now to support young people and their creativity
Many children in Cornwall face barriers to making-music. This can be due to cost of lessons or instruments, music education not geared to people with learning differences, lack of confidence, or feeling uninspired by the choices available.
We’ve been changing this. Over the last six years we have run several projects to open up access to music making for young people in Cornwall. Children and parents have told us we have made a different to the lives and opportunities of those who have taken part. We’ve seen young people grow in confidence, learn new skills, and get excited by music. Our Cornwall Youth Noise Orchestra has grown in popularity and been featured by BBC 6 Music, BBC Radio 3, The Guardian, Electronic Sound, BBC Spotlight and more.
Funding our work enables us to run sessions, work with established artists, buy or maintain intuitive exciting instruments and equipment, pay essential overheads, and grow our plans.
Please donate now so that we can deliver this important work: